Treasurer Tools

As we continue to mature as Bahá’í communities trying to translate Bahá’u’lláh’s vision into reality, the work of the community treasurer is becoming more pronounced. We hope that all treasurers, seasoned or new, find the guidelines and resources on this page helpful in fulfilling this important role.

There are two main categories of responsibilities, Fund Education & Financial Stewardship and both are equally important.To better understand the role of a Treasurer, we recommend reviewing Treasurer Basics.

  • Treasurer's Basics

    It is suggested that as a new treasurer or even a veteran one, go through the Treasurer Basics checklist to ensure that your Assembly’s treasury functions are in good order.

  • Financial Stewardship

    Financial Stewardship is comprised of receiving and recording of funds from contributors, budgeting of funds that will be needed for the year. The actual policies governing the expenditure of funds and their proper record keeping, certain principles of investment within the Bahá’í context and the audit process and its significance in protecting those involved with the custodianship of the Bahá’í Funds.

  • Fund Educational Stewardship

    It is the responsibility of the Local Spiritual Assembly and the treasurer to Assist the Bahá’í community in learning about the Funds of the Faith and understanding the importance of building a personal relationship to each Fund. Treasurers are responsible spiritually and financially for the Funds of the Faith using the guidelines in the Bahá’í writings, the Stewardship Manual, and other resources.

Office of the Treasurer

Phone: 847–733–3472


Mail: Bahá’í National Center
1233 Central Street
Evanston, IL 60201-1611

Text: 847–733–3472 and in the message box write “Treasurer”.

Have questions? After signing up, text 847–733–3472 and in the message box write your question.